Branding and Rebranding in Vietnam

KENFOX IP lawyers act as key advisors to companies in developing strategies for marketing their products and services in the abundance of laws of Vietnam and handling various aspects of development and protection for well-known brands although no trademarks are officially recognized on the Industrial Property Gazette of Vietnam. This in-depth experience makes our advice more valuable and trustworthy. Our seasoned attorneys help the clients prudently acquire trademarks owned by third parties, and investigate and resolve potentially problematic priority disputes. We also help clients maximize their portfolio value by assessing and identifying trademarks that require stronger protection (often those are less per se distinctive but registered), and advise on marks that should be discontinued.

KENFOX trademark practice created and perfected the “emergency rebrand,” used when our clients need expedited corporate name change clearances and registrations after such corporate name is determined to be an infringing element over a prior mark. In crisis situations, we have assisted our clients in completing strategic and confidential name changes on an emergency and expedited basis, helping our clients quickly and discretely reposition and/or reintroduce themselves in the marketplace, depending on their brand strategy and business goals. Some steps which our clients recommended for rebranding are as follows: (i) Influence and shape the brand with a series of brand promises; (ii) Obtain customer feedback; (iii) Find out what's not working; (iv) Develop your story; (v) Permeate all your company communications with the new brand; (vi) Never stop supporting and promoting your brand and (vii) Be consistent and persistent.